Midnight – A Love Story



Subhendu Mohanty


He sighed, and then murmured:

“Would I be ever able to tell you?

How much love I have, my desire,

How I drown in a boiling quagmire,

to behold that pearly face once

I adorn this dark grim attire…
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An ode to Rain

Subhendu Mohanty



Romance or melancholy…introspection or a celebration of the world around …what does the rain bring out in you?
A bit of everything yet something new?

Enjoy my latest poetry “ An ode to rain” , hope it finds a way into your hearts and minds..

A roaring fire once set his heart ablaze

An empty vastness he couldn’t camouflage

A love so pure that he could never reach

A gift of life that he could only beseech,

The sky smiled at the ocean below,

And it rained! Read More

You, my world…


Like the moon on a long-lost road
like the rain with all its woes
like the dew on a virgin rose
I feel you in me as each moment goes ..
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Together we walk…


Together we walk

On a gloomy day
when nothing seems to
go my way
And a tomorrow awaits
in shades of grey…. Read More