Make peace with life

The journey I started some three months back is still what I call just the beginning. Not sure where it would lead me, if at all it would lead me anywhere. But this is the story I felt, saw and almost lived on a rainy afternoon, sitting at my office desk staring at a blank computer screen.

Yes, it is the story I wanted to share with you all, my first-ever short novel/novella, titled “The Fifth Palmtree”.
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You are special


You are special.

Half knowledge of this fact is not doing any good to you; yet the more you believe in this is nothing but sort of catastrophic. Such is the irony. Read More

Thank You !

Thank you. Had you not fallen over today with the casual reluctance, swinging side by side and finally resting with a calming softness, I wouldn’t have this sudden realisation. Read More

A quest (Talaash) and the eerie aftermath

And I looked away. But the visions were getting stronger, darker, as if each heartbeat was pumping a sinister thought, each face contorted with a grimace and a foresight of the end that was near. It was too close to breakaway, if at all that was an option. The faces, known and few unknown scowls creeping through half-covered veils, searing through my hopes and a will to – stay alive.

Then it dawned on me. I have already been affected. It was just a matter of time now to let go of whatever little sunshine I gathered through the years. Layer by layer, nerve by nerve the connections were being severed and with each limp breath I could sense the chill that was groping inside me, raring to engulf me in its entirety.

The visions were probably its way of welcoming me to the abyss.

So it was true. I was not hallucinating; I was delirious under the spell of high-octane morphine, on a surgery bed, waiting for the doctors to perform a procedure. That was three years ago.

What happens when the worldly-ties are broken? Does one hallucinate? What does one see? Or can one see at all?

Is it just one’s psychological projections or can one really feel the presence of a departed someone?

I would think yes, do we not feel the presence of our closed ones, on occasions we really need to be with them, even though they may be far away in another part of the world? Why should it make any difference for a loved one who has moved on from all earthly ties.

A bond remains as strong as we want it to be, and I believe, in the process, it assumes a life of its own, more often than not, having its own identity, irrespective of the state of the two hearts that forged it in the first place!

They key is to believe, have faith and nurture unfaltering trust.

Last evening was at the local cinema watching Talaash. Not path-breaking in terms of content (we have seen some rather intrigue-inspiring whodunits coming from Hindi Cinema of late- Kahaani ), but definitely it leads the way in terms of treatment , performances and atmosphere, after ages I could keep my eyes open on a latenight show and be at the edge of the seat. Even if that actually meant being completely floored by the angelic Kareena (you must be superhuman or rather inhuman if you can take your eyes off her in every single frame she appears) or the sublime Rani. Both the performances are extremely nuanced and complement Aamir at his melancholic best. My verdict, if that matters at all, this one is a must see J

So friends till we meet again, keep the faith.


© “And Life Unfolds” and Subhendu Mohanty, 2014. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Subhendu Mohanty and “And Life Unfolds” with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.